Where could i go?

Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking the refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Where could I go but to the lord

These are the words of comfort that came to me just now as the firetrucks came to check on the fire.  No where could i go that would be as comforting as to the Lord.

It seems as though when i need Him the most, the Lord puts lyrics in my thoughts that are comforting.  I sing these words over and over again, keeping my faith in the Lord.  I memorize scripture, but it doesn’t seem as though that comes back to me.  It’s mostly those lyrics from church hymns, gospel CD’s, songs from Youth Choir and songs from childhood, such as the ones my parents used to sing to me, or from Sunday School.  Music has made a huge difference in my pilgrimage to Heaven.

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thats a sweet and nice verse to write. So true about Being in God’s Company for Comforts.

    “Music has made a huge difference in my pilgrimage to Heaven.” I loved this line.

  2. What i don’t understand is how some people claim they just listen to the melody, not the words. I think that they both go with us.

  3. I’m with you…thanks! During my toughest times…it’s those words, those tunes, inspired of God that have carried me thorough. Great great reminder! Love E

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